Mental Health

A lump….

It was Sunday morning and as I lay in bed watching my husband sleep, ya, weird maybe, my arm was resting on my left breast and I felt a lump. Instant terror. My mind went crazy thinking of the big “C”.  If I die, who will be here for my family, everything I have accomplished and the life I have come to live and love the past 8 years of sobriety may be over? What!?

I am 47, they say it is quite common for women my age to have cystic lumps because of hormonal change. Until it is confirmed your mind goes crazy. You wonder how can you go through the treatment, how could you leave the life you have so much come to love, you start thinking of things you haven’t done yet and start planning to do those things.

Why do we do that? Why do we wait in life to do things, why postpone or procrastinate on things that we haven’t yet done.

Don’t wait until you are faced with a life altering situation to make your life a full life.

Live, love and make everyday the best. You never know how long we will be here or healthy enough to really enjoy it.


This is, Being Me Sober

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